Devansh Upadhyay

Aspiring SDE
GenAI and MLOps Enthusiast

Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India Resume | Cover-Letter | Results • +91 9892113856 •
Devansh Upadhyay

About Me

As a Aspiring Software Developer, I am deeply committed to using technology to solve complex problems. My academic and recreational projects are where I try to apply my knowledge. I spend all of my time learning, researching, reading books, and exercising (mainly gym and cricket). I also do freelancing sometimes. My freelancing projects mostly includes Web Development and Machine Learning Models. Currently learning DevOps and MLOps

Work Experience

  • SRFusion Tech

    Software Developer Engineer Intern


    Leveraged Django REST framework to work with authorization and authentication and API testing with Postman.

    Worked on technologies like Python, Django REST, RestAPI, HTTP, Social Authentications, Postman

  • Red Fibre

    Full Stack Engineer Intern


    Took a leading role in developing a Django-Based Web App for Lab Inventory bookings, resulting in 30% faster reservation processing and optimization of resource allocation.

    Worked on technologies like Python, Flask, Django, javascript, HTML/CSS, Chrome Browser Extension


  • Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed to be University,
    Department of Engineering and Technology, Off Campus,
    Navi Mumbai

    B.Tech in Computer Science and Business Systems, focusing on core computer science and their applications in real world, specifically in business.

    Bharati Vidyapeeth Insitute of Technology,
    Navi Mumbai

    Diploma in Computer Technology, focusing on basics of computer science and hardware.

Work / Group Projects

(Click GitHub Logo for Source Code)

  • MakerSpace Cloud: Lab Inventory System GitHub

    An Web-based lab inventory system. Crafted HTML skeletons to facilitate frontend engineers in seamlessly integrating designs, resulting in a 30% improvement in interface aesthetics and user experience.

  • Rust Logo Python
  • ML Logo Django
  • ML Logo Completed
  • Fake News Detection: An Chrome Extension GitHub

    A Chrome extension designed to determine the authenticity of news, utilizing an SVM model for the backend infrastructure, with implementation led by me.

  • ML Logo Python
  • ML Logo Flask & Javascript
  • ML Logo Completed
  • Digit Recognition System GitHub

    A digit recognition system utilizing the MNIST dataset, developed with Keras for the backend infrastructure, with the implementation spearheaded by me.

  • ML Logo Deep Learning
  • ML Logo Python
  • ML Logo Completed
  • Book's Recommendation System GitHub

    Built a web application that recommend books by taking user’s input.
    Utilized the Amazon Book’s Dataset and Applied Collaborative-based Filtering model for finding the similarities between books.

  • ML Logo Python
  • ML Logo Machine Learning
  • ML Logo Flask
  • ML Logo Completed

Solo Projects

(Click GitHub Logo for Source Code)

  • News Portal: An World Wide News Portal GitHub

    I developed a dynamic news portal using NewsAPI for real-time news data integration, keeping users updated with the latest headlines. JavaScript and Axios handled API requests and responses efficiently.

  • ML Logo Web Dev
  • ML Logo Completed
  • RealTimeChat: An webapp for seamlessly Chat GitHub

    Implemented the development of the Real-Time Chat Web App, incorporating features like real-time messaging and a user-friendly interface, utilizing Node.js, Express.js, and Socket.IO for efficient bidirectional communication.

  • ML Logo Web Dev
  • ML Logo Completed
  • Shopping Cart GitHub

    a web application for a shopping cart built using React.js. The project aims to provide a user-friendly and interactive shopping experience for online customers.

  • ML Logo React
  • ML Logo Completed
  • ImageViewers GitHub

    ImageViewers is a simple web application that allows users to search for images using the Unsplash API. The application provides a user-friendly interface to search and display images based on user queries.

  • ML Logo Web Development
  • ML Logo Completed
  • Tomato Disease Detection: An mobile app GitHub

    A android mobile application for real-time detection of tomato diseases, leveraging TensorFlow Lite, ENAS optimizer, and CNN, with algorithm analysis performed to determine the most effective one.

  • ML Logo Python
  • ML Logo Neural Networks
  • ML Logo Mobile App
  • ML Logo Completed
  • Food Recommendation GitHub

    A Flutter mobile app UI designed to showcase various food categories and provide recommendations.

  • Rust Logo Flutter
  • ML Logo Completed


      Programming Languages

    • Python Logo Python
    • C++ Logo C/C++
    • Rust Logo Rust
    • ML Logo Javascript
    • Rust Logo Java


    • DL Logo Data Preprocessing and Augmentation
    • ML Logo PyTorch
    • ML Logo Llama2b
    • ML Logo Keras
    • ML Logo Tensorflow

      Web Development

    • DL Logo HTML/CSS
    • ML Logo NodeJs
    • ML Logo ExpressJS
    • ML Logo React
    • ML Logo Django/Flask
    • ML Logo RestAPI

      Mobile App Developement

    • DL Logo Android
    • ML Logo Flutter
    • ML Logo Kivy

      Databases (SQL, NoSQL)

    • DL Logo MySQL
    • ML Logo MongoDB
    • ML Logo SQLite

      Tools and Technologies

    • DL Logo Git & GitHub
    • ML Logo VSCode
    • ML Logo Jupyter Notebook
    • ML Logo Android Studio
    • ML Logo Postman
    • ML Logo Linux (Ubuntu)
B.Tech Diploma
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What happened to the study of physics?
Written on 14 April 2024

I am writing about not only the decline of physics but the decline in overall quality and quantity of research. It seems like no undergraduate students are interested in pursuing graduate degrees.

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